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We are a young team that is driven by the passion and desire for a healthy and beautiful smile. That is why we created Vivadent - Dental Care Clinic. We decided to offer the best services in just one place.

We thank you and we want to assure you that this close and personal relationship between patient and physician will not fade in time. We will continue to develop healthcare services that offer the highest quality for each of your specific needs.

Dr. Marius Manole




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Dr. Marius Manole | Dental MD

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Dr. Delia Greța | Specialty Endodontics Dentist

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Dr. Florin Onișor | MD Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology Dentist

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Conf. Univ. Dr. Sorana Baciu | Dental MD

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Dr. Bogdan Pop | Specialist Maxillofacial Surgery Dentist

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Dr. Elisa Man | Specialist Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Dentist

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Dr. Petruța Căpută | Specialty Endodontics Dentist

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Magdalena Precup | Nurse

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Mihaela Mezei | Nurse