The endodontic space is the space inside the root of a tooth containing pulp tissue ("tooth nerve") and blood vessels.
When the endodontic treatment is necessary?
Endodontic treatment is necessary when the dental pulp is damaged (inflamed or infected). Causes that can lead to pulp disease are varied.
If inflammation / infection remains untreated, it will extend to the jawbone and soft tissues around the tooth.
Endodontic treatment is indicated in the following situations:
• prolonged sensitivity to hot / cold
• sensitivity to chewing / touch
• tooth has changed color
• intense spontaneous pain
• pain thet comes from a tooth that has been treated endodontically-( reintervention is most certainly needed )
• the presence of a dental abscess or other complications periapical visible radiographically
• bone loss (visible only after radiologic examination)
There are situations where teeth, although do not hurt, or show other signs of distress accused by the patient, however, an endodontic treatment is required.
Your doctor is the one who can appreciate better if an endodontic intervention is needed.
What are the causes of tooth pulp infection?
The pulp is inside the tooth (the pulp cavity) and is protected by the hard tissues of the tooth (enamel, dentin, cementum). Because of degradation of the tooth (dental caries, trauma), bacteria in saliva enters the space inside the tooth and irreversibly inflames the dental pulp. After the death of the pulp, bacteria multiplies at high level and will exceed the space inside the tooth, and in time reaching the jaw bone and the surrounding soft tissue around the tooth. There are other cases of pulp tissue illness (eg trauma, which does not affect the integrity of the tooth, but generates mortification of the pulp).
What is endodontic treatment?
Endodontic treatment aims to save the extraction of the teeth,to maintain a tooth whose pulp is inflamed or necrotic and to treat or prevent the spread of infection and inflammation in the neighborhood tissues (maxillary bones, soft tissues). This is accomplished by removing the affected tissues within the tooth pulp, the endodontic disinfection and sealing with biocompatible material to prevent reinfection.
Is endodontic treatment painful?
All endodontic treatments, regardless of diagnosis (even if the pulp is already dead) are performed under local anesthesia. This ensures both patient and physician comfort . The treated tooth is totally isolated from the patient's mouth using rubber dam system. Because of this system the aspiration or ingestion risk of foreign material is removed. The solutions used for washing and disinfecting root canals will never get into the mouth.
Between treatment sessions and a while after its completion the patient may have a moderate discomfort or mild pain (spontaneous or pressure on the tooth). Only in this case, the patient is administered with analgesic and mild anti-inflammatory in order to control pain. Stronger antibiotics and analgesics are commonly prescribed, but only in special circumstances.
Even if it doesn't hurt, the endodontic treated tooth is fragile and prone to coronal fractures, so it is contraindicated chewing on it until it's complete restorative treatment.
After the completion of endodontic treatment and disappearance of painful symptoms it is necessary to restore the tooth crown Treaty (filling, crown cover etc..) for the tooth to be functional and aesthetical. Lasting restorative treatment should be carried out within one month after completion of endodontic treatment. Otherwise there is a risk of reinfection or fracture to the treated root canals and crowns.
In general, endodontic treated teeth will be restored by covering the crown cover or a coronal filling material. Often it is necessary to set certain pivot fiberglass or metal, in order to increase the internal resistance of the tooth.
How long does a treated and restored tooth last?
Properly treated and restored teeth can last a lifetime with proper care. They also constitute the anchor teeth or pillars for the future (situation assessed by the doctor). At the slightest sign of impaired coronary (fillings fracture, crown, occurrence of cracks, fractures or cavities) the patient must see the doctor for restoration / replacement. A good oral hygiene and regular dental routine can prevent unfavorable future developments.