We provide dental alveolar surgery services designed to solve the most difficult clinical cases that may occur in dental practice . Interventions will be performed by a specialist in dental alveolar surgery underlocal anesthesia or locally using high-end professional tools and materials . Minimally invasive maneuvers are adapted to each case, in tune with the latest innovations in the field, with special attention being paid to the preservation and restoration of periodontal tissues. Anesthetics and pre-and postoperative medication will be adapted to the condition of the patient. After the initial diagnosis which is done by clinical observational examination and / or imaging , patients should be informed of : treatment options , need to perform surgery, disease evolution without treatment stages surgery, accidents , risks , complications , postoperative behavior.
Specific interventions in dentoalveolar surgery include: extraction with a very high degree of difficulty, odontectomies (extraction of impacted teeth), apical resection, curettage in the open and flap operation (used in the treatment of periodontal disease) etc..